Advice on Taking Your Meds

Medication management is keeping tabs on the drugs a patient takes to ensure they are used safely and effectively. As part of this procedure, patients and their carers are actively involved in a dialogue about their medications. Know more about medication management.

Listed below are eight suggestions for enhancing different aspects of drug management.

  1. Have a pharmacist take responsibility

Pharmacists are widely recognized as the go-to healthcare provider for patient pharmaceutical treatment management and reconciliation, with backing from a wide range of quality and safety groups. These include the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (ASHP).

  1. Make sure patients have easy access to a pharmacy or pharmacy student

The importance of having a pharmacist participating in drug management can only be realized if the pharmacist is accessible both during and outside of clinic hours. Researchers at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) discovered in their Rx Pilot research that limiting pharmacist availability to half-time or certain hours throughout the day hindered their efforts to include patients in their treatment. A pharmacist on-site was shown to be a significant factor in patient’s decision to participate in the program and adhere to their treatment regimen.

  1. Inform patients of the most typical causes of drug errors

Overdosing on medication (including over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol) or taking the wrong medication (or taking it with food when it should be taken on an empty stomach) are other common causes of adverse drug reactions. A few of the most frequent causes of ineffectiveness, unwanted consequences, and overdose include the following. Long-term pharmaceutical users may still be making these blunders and not realize they are causing or exacerbating their condition.

  1. Look over the beer menu

The American Geriatrics Society compiled The Beers List, a list of drugs that should be avoided or used with care in the elderly. Despite the evidence supporting these suggestions, many doctors continue to give the drugs on this list to their elderly patients. When assessing the drug regimen of an elderly patient, it is essential to ensure that the patient is not taking any substances that should be discontinued.

  1. If feasible, stop using unused drugs

It is recommended that patients take as few drugs as possible. Taking fewer medications reduces the potential for drug interactions and adverse effects. When possible, a medication management plan should aim to wean patients off of their meds altogether.